3 Network Marketing Recruitment Tips

These 3 Network Marketing Recruitment Tips are my best strategies for building a network marketing business.

When I began my network marketing journey I had no idea really of how to use the internet to build my team and business. I soon found the ideal mentor for me and gradually I began to build a global team, many of them remain with me years later having learned the strategies together.

What Is Network Marketing Recruiting?

If your are going to get paid pretty well, you need to be able to recruit people into your business. It is the beginning of the money, not the end of the money, but the beginning.

First you have to attract or generate prospects. Then you have to convert them to sales. That is the recruiting process.

Attracting prospects, converting prospects.

My main network marketing recruiting techniques are as below.

My 3 Network Marketing Recruitment Tips

1. A Branded Blog To Get You Noticed

This is number 1 because it really is the best strategy for building a network marketing business by creating content and developing organic traffic and attracting prospects into your funnel.

What can you share with budding network marketing business owners that will attract them to you? Blogging is a way you can build a following of loyal fans as you provide valuable content to teach them how to succeed in their MLM business.

I have been a blogger for many years. This current site – petechapman.biz – is a new platform for me as I move away from marketing my company and product and focusing on helping others, but my previous blog ensured I got around 10 new prospects every day and consistently in the top 10 in my companies recruiting rankings every month!

As people subscribe to my FREE REPORT they are receiving information by email on how I build my business to an industry to 10 in sales most months, and how they can their network marketing business. They also begin to LIKE, KNOW and TRUST me as someone who has some information that is valuable to their progress.

The best bloggers use their blog as a marketing platform for their ads, such as facebook ads etc.

How do you set up a blog?

Well that is pretty easy.  Just purchase a domain name you are happy with, preferably with your name in there somewhere and upload WordPress from your hosting account. I use Hostgator for my domain hosting and they offer a cool instant WordPress upload and Word Press Themes you can use. Or, just like I did, you can go to a web expert and get them to do it for you? That is what I do.

When I began branching out from using company websites I outsourced a lot of my stuff. There are great options with https://www.upwork.com/ . Just post a job, make sure you describe it right, and shop around for the best person for you!

Some of my graphics and early websites were done by Upwork techies and I am still using the graphic designer I used 5 years ago to do my offline even posters!

You could be up and running with a WordPress Blog in no time and soon you will see how easy it is to get great content out there and attract all those new prospects!

2. A Facebook Page – Stepping Out From The Crowd

I see lots of mlm’ers and network marketers posting offers on their personal timeline. This is NOT good practice. You want to appear as a business person. I didn’t get this for a long time.

Back in the day a key network marketing recruitment technique was to make friends with a ton of network marketers and then pitch them your opportunity. Nowadays Facebook are frowning on people who do that and all those pitches for “7 figure incomes from clicking a link” are losing people credibility and even losing their accounts.

Nowadays, top network marketing Guru’s are using facebook pages, linking to blogs and even advertising on facebook to a blog post!

Setting up a facebook page is pretty easy – FACEBOOK SHOWS YOU HOW HERE – depending upon your strategy, you can set up a page for your product and/or one as a public figure and brand yourself as a Network Marketing Guru, or whatever. I do both.

The trick is to “season” your page. That means you need to share photo’s, videos, content from your blog, every day so that people see it has having value and facebook recognises it as a legitimate business page. You need facebook “likes” too. So you can begin by asking your facebook profile friends to like your page, sharing the link to your page with your email list (we are coming on to that) or even using facebook page manager to advertise for “likes”.

But your facebook page is going to be full of your blog posts in the future and in the end the organic strategies will begin to fill up your facebook page with raving fans! If you are looking for excellent training on social networking using facebook then you should really check this out – GETTING RAVING FANS FOR YOUR NETWORK MARKETING BUSINESS!

3. Email Marketing – Creating And Monetising A List

You will have heard that the phrase repeated over and over, “The money is in the list!” or “The money is in your relationship with your list.”

I have a list of over 3000 people looking for product or network marketing solutions. I have reduced this from a much bigger figure over time because I just want a list that is engaging, but nevertheless

my list gets added to every single day!

All over my websites there are ways to subscribe via FREE Reports etc to get information on either general network marketing strategies or my products and business.

Linking my wordpress blogs to my email marketing autoresponder service has allowed me to market my network marketing business across the world and I now have senior teams in the U.S., U.K., Israel, Italy, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Australia and New Zealand and more and more leaders developing each and every month. Because I market a high ticket network marketing business , just a few sales a month makes me a decent income without having to graft of overwork myself!

Now I use Aweber for my email marketing strategies but there are lots of choices out there. MailChimp, GetResponse etc. I share my experiences on how I successfully use email marketing strategies to build my list every day in this post THE POWER OF EMAIL MARKETING

How easy is this? You can automate daily emails for your subscribers to receive and you could be on the beach! Or in my case, in my cottage garden in sunny Yorkshire, UK.

If you have a special offer or event, you can broadcast an email anytime of the day, you can schedule them for convenient times etc. For example, if you are like me and you get inspired on the hoof, you can right a broadcast email and then schedule it out on another day or a more conventient time. Especially if you are a night owl and you are writing email broadcasts at 12 o’clock at night!

So once you have your email marketing programme set up, you can add it into your blog, facebook page etc attached to an offer of a FREE report into your business opportunity, or ebook, or FREE course etc and the whole process of content marketing through blogging, facebook begins and you will soon see that you are building that list of prospects every single day!

Soon you will be recruiting like crazy and you will be wondering why you didn’t do this a long time ago.

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