Vision Boards – How Your Vision Can Change Your Life!
Are you setting goals for yourself? We always should at least do that. Right from leaving the Royal Air Force after 12 years of service, I found mentors who inspired me to make the most of my career and life.
First of all there was Brian Tracy, who taught me about how those who are successful are not lucky, but they are hardworking and determined individuals who use successful examplars as their template. Then there was Tom Peters who wrote A Search For Excellence who taught me about Total Quality Management a system of excellence which I introduced into the the Leisure Centres I managed. We achieved the first qualification in the Sport England QUEST quality standard in England!
Then I read Stephen Covey’s 7 habits of highly effective people which further helped me understand how I could improve my output, both in my work and family life….
and then came Tony Robbins’ Unleash The Power Within seminar. Totally life changing for me. My family and work colleagues thought I was mad because I went full on Californian for a while but forever positive outcomes came into my life following that seminar.
I left behind a 30 year career and went self Employed as a consultant and things just magnified in my life from that point.
What My Mentors Said About Setting Goals
The thing is…. all of these mentors, huge influencers in my life… taught me to set goals and to visualise them. Here are a few of their quotes on the subject.
“Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement.” — Brian Tracy
“Begin with the end in mind.” — Stephen Covey
“A goal properly set is halfway reached.” — Zig Ziglar
“People are not lazy. They simply have impotent goals—that is, goals that do not inspire them.” — Tony Robbins
Then there were these two quotations from two inspired dreamers who shared their imagery and visions with us through literature, pictures and film
“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” — C. S. Lewis
“A person should set his goals as early as he can and devote all his energy and talent to getting there. With enough effort, he may achieve it. Or he may find something that is even more rewarding. But in the end, no matter what the outcome, he will know he has been alive.” — Walt Disney
You are never to old to set another goal. As a 73 year old, I cling to that. I am never too old to dream a new dream and neither are you.
Is it time for you to set a new dream?
The thing is, you know the drill:
1. Specific
2. Measurable
3. Attainable
4. Relevant
5. Time-Bound
But what about the emotion, the feelings behind those goals. How do you gain passion and compassion around your important goals?
I think that is where a vision board comes in.
The Vision Board
I believe you must have a real image of your dream, your goal, your purpose in your mind.
You mustget emotionally connected with your dream. Like a child at Christmas it needs to have a clear picture and be a burning desire in your heart and mind. Most children get their desired Christmas presents don’t they. While we rely on the Universe to hear and see our dreams, the child just has their parents to doggedly remind for months and months on what is required at Christmas.
That is exactly what OUR heart and mind should occupy ourselves with in regard to our goals.
So our first exercise is to define our goals around the traditional method. My best guidance is to stay realistic because it hurts mentally to have a goal too far ahead of our ability in the short term.
For your achievable goals, stay within the year whilst having a longer term vision for your future so you can tick off the boxes towards it as you go along.
Once you have defined your goals now is the time to creatively inspire yourself with your vision board.
The technically gifted among us can create a vision board digitally but you really need to see it most of the day. Mine is on a board , along with a list of my short term goals in front of me at my work station. I cannot avoid it.
As I look at it now, I can see that within a few months at least 4 of my goals will be ticked off and it will be time to start again on the vision I have for Yada’s (my lovely wife) and my future.
Exciting times.
So I have:
1. business goals – that is mainly ranking upgrades in my primary network marketing business.
2. Financial goals – this involves developing other income streams outside NWM
3. Travel Goals – visiting a couple of special places in Thailand and the U.S.A.
4. Golf Goals – achieving a specific handicap and improving my bad golf. LOL
5. Building Extension on our Holiday Home and purchasing a new home in the UK.
Each of these a broken down into action steps to achieve them. I think that is important because without taking action nothing is going to change. Strategy is a must.
So now you can sit down, write your list and print off some pictures that depict you achieving them.
If you want a new house – find an ideal representation of that on the intenet and print it off and paste or pin it onto your chose board. Can be a simple whiteboard or pin board.
You need it in a prominent place . Somewhere you cannot avoid it!
Currently my board has my goal and action step print off in it. Don’t be too general. Images specific on those all important dreams and goals you plan to see happen this year and in the longer term future.
So now, I am going to go ahead and update my own vision board and give you an example of how I do it. You will see it below.
My vision board is all about achieving business goals by the end of 2021, travel to our holiday home in Thailand, visiting temples in Northern Thailand that Yada has set her heart around, travelling to visit my son in Arizona and going to Yellowstone Park again (my favourite trip ever) and big decision son where we will live from 2022 onwards.
All of them challenging yet if I achieve my business goals they will be achievable.
Why not share yours with me so I can cheer you on. You can do that in our facebook group here:
Let’s cheer each other on!
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