Integrity – What Does It Mean For A Network Marketer

Integrity – What Does It Mean For A Network Marketer? Network Marketing is a great industry to belong to in my opinion. So many international companies use the business model because personal recommendation really works. Avon, Tupperware etc have used this business model for many years. There are many well known advocates of the network marketing business model. People like Robert Kiyosaki of Rich Dad Poor Dad fame and Richard Branson of Virgin. But still, many people do not trust the modern day network marketer or network marketing company because they are wary of scams which have taken place under the Network Marketing niche. All the talk and concern about pyramid schemes, which are illegal, mean that network marketers often have to overcome pre conceived ideas of the business model before even talking about their product or opportunity. That is why it is imperative that we act in integrity. How often have you seen whole network marketing organisations fall down because they were not built on solid foundations of trust and integrity. My own business has been effected by this. Groups approaching business in an unethical way within your own company can effect the company reputation. Network Marketing Companies being formed without a solid financial structure and corporate governence behind them. All of this can lead to mistrust and disallusionment. For our part, we need to keep to the highest of standards within our own circle of influence. My motivation for creating this post was a question on facebook by a friend when I said any mentor I chose to model myself against would have to have integrity. My friend asked me, “How would you define integrity?” My reply was, Integrity in my opinion is honesty, loyalty, having a moral compass for compassion, kindliness and openness” After I said this and decided to write this post on why I think Integrity is necessary if you are to be a successful network marketer I checked on a dictionary definition. Integrity: honesty, uprightness, probity, rectitude, honour, honourableness, upstandingness, good character, principle(s), ethics, morals, righteousness, morality, nobility, high-mindedness, right-mindedness, noble-mindedness, virtue, decency, fairness, scrupulousness, sincerity, truthfulness, trustworthiness That’s kind of how I see how we should be in our network marketing business. Being honourable. I remember when I started my business, my sponsor was told about my current opportunity by someone who was in current network marketing business with him. Raymond wished to make a change because , although he was very successful, his current company was not supporting his team in South East Asia, so he liked our companies approach and product. However, he wanted to be honourable in his change of company. So he called the upline, his original downline,  of the person who introduced him to my company, Enagic, and told her. “I am going to change company, but I was introduced to it by your downline. I think it only fair that you consider this and if you decide to do it, then you become my upline.” She did. She never looked back and Raymond has kept his integrity. Instead of just pitching our current business to her, his integrity told him that he wouldn’t have known the introducer if it wasn’t for his original sponsor. That convinced me that I had chosen the right mentor and sponsor for my current business.

People Will Take Our Industry Seriously When We Act With Integrity

Before any decision we make in our Network Marketing business, one of our first considerations in my opinion should be; Am I acting with integrity? If I did this another way would it be better for my customers and team even if the results are slower? Because it is often the case that if we become addicted to the outcomes, we begin to lose our integrity and this can cause irrepairable harm to our business and relationships down the line. Quite often, I come across moral dilemmas. Could I build my business quicker if I cut a corner or two. Marketed my business differently. When people ask me how much money I earn, should I polish up the actuality, tell a little white lie. I resist, because I know that it will come along and bite me in the backside later on.

Honesty is the Best Policy

I shared how I believe success can only be normally delivered based on hard work. So we shouldn’t be telling people that our Network Marketing Business is easy! That making money is easy! If we are to be successful in our business we need to share that it requires work. The harder we work on proven principles, the easier it will get! Often we just need to work very hard for a short period of time, 3 months to 2 years, and we can create a residual income for ourselves. But we need to tell people that!

Building Long Lasting Business Relationships

We can build long lasting, active Network Marketing Groups if we have integrity within our relationships with our teams and the leaders of our teams. After all, network marketing is all about helping one another through indirect sales and indirect recruitment. A huge MLM business can be achieved by directly recruiting very few people, if we just treat those people with integrity and support THEIR downline in the same way. I am currently actively supporting and working with people 7 to 8 levels deep from me in my organisation. Not because of the immediate income benefits, because the percentages are quite small, but because we have strong relationships and I know long term that our friendship and business partnership will bring big rewards to both of us in the very long term. I am often there long after their immediate sponsors have deserted them and given up, or they have broken relationships through a lack of integrity. So being compassionate and caring for people, their welfare and supporting their decision to join your downline pays off in the long term. Now I have many people in my organisation who have far out qualified their sponsors.

A Question To Ask Yourself – WOULD YOU FOLLOW YOU?

Imagine this. If you were approached about a network marketing business by a person just like yourself, acting in the same way, would you follow you? Are you acting in the kind of way that you would be attracted to you? Are you the kind of mentor people need? Can people  trust you? Do you have the right standards to help people in your business? Are you going to be a supportive sponsor? I don’t want to get all religious here, but you must have heard of Jesus saying, “Love your neighbour as yourself.” Treat your neighbour as you would wish to be treated is the way that works. So first of all you need to ensure that first of all you are someone you are happy to treat people like, if you get what I mean.

The great Zig Ziglar said: “It is true, integrity alone will not make you a leader, but without integrity you will never be one.”

Being an honourable network marketer with integrity and a moral compass is the way to begin in my opinion. Once you get that right, then you will attract an organisation with similar standards and it will be long lasting and mutually rewarding. Go for the shortcuts, cut corners both in business and in business relationships and you are asking for trouble.

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