What Is Your Target? Do You Really Know What You Are Aiming For?
Does that sound a little silly to you? A lot of people start a network marketing business without any targets – financial or rank goals. That’s not you, is it?
You see if you don’t have an end in mind then you don’t have the discipline to take the daily actions to achieve it.
I remember when I was coached by Tony Robbins appointed mentor she taught me to set a big goal and to chunk it down into achievable actions and goals.
So if your target is to earn a million dollars in say 2 years, then making that reverse engineering maths division will give you a monthly and weekly goal of sales or recruitments.
One of my targets for my primary network marketing business, is to reach €1,000,000 of commissions in 2 years equals about 50/75 group sales per month depending upon the unit and rank of those making the sales. I have reached that goal quite often but now I need to make that consistent.
I have other business interests of course. So I will set targets for those and likewise plan my activities into daily actions on how I am to achieve them.
One of my mentors always talks about having clarity. Clarity of purpose. Clarity of understanding the actions needed to achieve specific goals.
I must admit I have been pretty lazy with my focus lately. I got comfortable. Enjoyed the fruits of 10 years work building up a residual income and dropped the ball on forward momentum.
That has changed today!
Why has it changed? I have started with a new mentor. So it has basically kicked me up the backside.
I am all newly focused with a definitely plan of action. Sometimes it just takes a little jolt to shake you into action.
The comfort zone is a definite killer of ambition and action, don’t you think?
So I am setting new long term targets with a daily action plan to get me there. Not so much golf and T.V. and more action steps to get me to some really challenging goals.
Thing is, it’ll be worth it.
Whatever network marketing business you are partnering with at the moment they will have a compensation plan and a ranking system.
Why don’t you set a one year goal, say of achieving a 6 figure income per your first year in whatever currency you are going for -that’s $£€8,333 per month . Say reach 8,333 for the last month of the year and then maintain it for the following year and beyond.
What will it take in sales to make 8,333 a month in commissions? For me that is 4 direct sales a month or the equivalent in indirect sales. For you it may mean up to 50 autoships a month. Work it out.
Then reverse engineer it to what your daily targets are and then work out what actions you need to take to achieve that goal.
It may mean social media postings, messenger/linkedin connections, advertising, solo ads, emails, phone calls,presentations etc
Just work it out and stick to it until you have achieved your goal.
Remember what the great Jim Rohn said. It is all about percentages. If you make 10 calls and that results in 2 sales that is good…. because you can make 100 calls and then that makes 20 sales! Just work the percentages.
You will get some social media tips from my Dream Builder guide. It’s FREE.
I honestly started this blog to help anyone wants to succeed in any network marketing business but I cannot disguise that it is great when some of my readers decide to join me in my business because thn I can help them directly.
But there is no real secret to succeeding in our industry. It is daily action steps on generating leads, making connections and closing sales.
Having a long term goal to work towards is vital so you can chunk down those daily action steps to achieve it.
Some daily action steps you could take:
1. Build your social media following by creating content to create engagement daily: Facebook, Instagram, Youtube especially
2. Reaching out via FB Messenger, Linkedin to make new connections and building relationships
3. Staying connected with your team and help keep them on track and motivated
4. Using ads to drive traffic to your marketing funnel
5. Build and communicate with your email list
6. Stay connected to your sponsor and upline and tap into your company training
I hope this post helps you to progress towards your personal goals.
I would love to hear from you in regard to your progress.
Call or message me on +44 7823 772234
email me at peter@kangenwell.com