What Are You Promoting – Opportunity or Product?

So my network marketing friends. What are you promoting? Are you promoting the products that are produced by your company, or are you simply promoting the business opportunity? Are you a retailer or a business builder?


How I Was Attracted To Network Marketing?

It was the money. I make no secret of it. Right from the beginning as a young family, my wife and I needed extra income. From party planning plastic, costume jewellry and beauty products to beginning to build an online business with digital products, we began because we needed an extra income.

People sold us the efficacy and the uniqueness of the products we were promoting, but the reality was, we were searching for business builders to increase our outreach across the U.K. and, eventually, across the world!

So our focus was yes, we shared the product in home parties and demonstrations etc, but our primary search was to find ambitious people who wanted to take it to the next level.

Where is the Focus on Network Marketing Training Nowadays?

All the generic training is all about business building, recruitment. You only need to witness the rise of people like Eric Worre and Ray Higdon to see that.

There is a whole new digital industry on recruitment for the nework marketing niche.

Why? Because that is what people want. That is what they find the hardest. Knocking on doors and selling Avon etc, that is acceptable home business practice nowadays. Recruiting ambitious network marketers? That is a totally other kettle of fish.

So the Network Marketing companies educate their people on product, the network marketing millionaires focus on recruitment, either in their own business or generic training for others.

Residual Income Generation

Residual income doesn’t come from selling potions and collecting silver coins. etc.  It comes from building teams that duplicate.also means constency, team building over the long term, blood sweat and tears.

In my own business I have what may be called retailers achieving their first significant leadership position after 5 to 6 years and others who have done it in 3 months to 2 years. What is the difference?

The longer group focused 95% on the product. The shorter group 75% tp 95% on the business opportunity.

Both sold lots of product and benefitted customers with the product but one group did it the easier way by finding and helping people to build a residual business.

I always say, it is easier to sell 5 products to 20 people than 100 products to 100 people and you get the same result if you help people to understand how to recruit and duplicate themselves.

So My Question To You Is – What Are You Going To Be From Now On? A Business Builder or  A Retailer?ver

Over the last couple of years on this blog, I have shared ideas on duplication and networking to increase business. What kind of thing do YOU need to increase YOUR Network Marketing business to a level you would be happy with?

Please comment below and then let’s see if we can do something about that for you.

Speak soon

Pete Chapman

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